Articles from September 2011

The Holy Quran is called Have you ever thought why?

The Holy Quran is called Have you ever thought why? Tried many different things to feed the spiritual hunger of modern man. A BOOK has been named as one of them.  If I have a headache, insomnia suffering, saying its slumber’ll find you a pill, has passed the whole night trying to search for and […]

Are you ready your strength to meet the self?

Are you ready your strength to meet the self? Most of the people living in the world, wishes to obtain the power, but how that will manifest, and the realization depends on the person’s spiritual maturity. That do not have advanced the understanding of wisdom as the inner soul of a young, gain a kind […]

However, Single Learning is a journey

However, Single Learning is a journey  Now, everywhere, a certificate program, a course, a seminar. “Personal development”, “lifelong learning”, “continuing education” words in the ad pages of the newspapers, internet sites, is calling the article titles. Stretched out his head to ignore the life that flows below the window come up, almost going to believe […]

Life is like a mirror, reflects the beliefs, experiences

  Life is like a mirror, reflects the beliefs, experiences. You were a pure joy and love of a tiny baby. How important that you know, you feel yourself as the center of the universe. Desire is to ask for everything and you were brave enough to express all your feelings. Fully used to love […]

WORDS , Mantras , NAAD

WORDS – Mantras – NAAD Words, not only because of word meanings from being a forward, for some reason elected to a full explanation of scientific over. The origin of all mantras-the words used in “NAAD” the science of hidden secrets that are based on sounds. Mantras, over and over again to create a change […]