I wonder clothes we wear on us (our bodies) Do we need to show the importance and care? Does it work in harmony with each other, our spirit body? Otherwise, we issued an invitation we are diseases?

We currently are in a whole with our spirit and our body. In developing our souls, our bodies develop at the same time we should pay attention. This harmony we have to catch up. Because of spiritual development, is by the harmony of body and spirit. This is a fundamental doctrine.

According to the spiritual soul, a body needs to be able to evolve over the world. Our body is the house of our soul. The five senses in the body, the windows of our soul to the world.

The first condition for physical development, as a conscious inhalations. In other words, learn to breathe correctly. Because everything is the beginning of a conscious and regular breathing. Because the breath is life. Human can not live without breathing. Must also be concerned with human nutrition and sleep.

Is the energy of the universe itself. And energy is infinite. In humans, an energy. Although the floor of the spiritual world, “the existence of material energy” is the title.

Energy in the universe attracts people to the body itself. Because they live in our bodies with energy. Here is conscious and breathing on a regular basis, this is one way of getting the universal energy into the body. Yogis, called life energy, this energy, are everywhere. Article, water, air, etc.., Everywhere.

There are two purposes for a human being to breathe correctly. First, the blood, and from there to take in more oxygen to the brain, the latter took the body and storing the energy of life, vitality and strength to the body. I also need to know that, in the mind through breathing exercises, will be more calm and peaceful. Thus, our thoughts and feelings become more comfortable checks come.

People are only the physical body does not occur. His one, every cell has the light reflected from the body. This light reflection from the body (AURA) is called. Aura is an energy field surrounding the physical body, totally. This is called the light body chakra-sensing center also has 7 units. These chakras, energy is received through breath, life energy, to transfer the terminals act as the physical body. They are a power distribution centers. This is very important to keep the centers open continuously. Because the life energy within us navigate ourselves feel more healthy and strong.
If the various psychological reasons, reduced the energy our bodies if we are weak, this weakness is reflected in the physical bodies and we can cause diseases to occur.

We know that the human body is composed of building blocks called DNA. And we the people of the effects of micro-organisms and cells, as well as the building blocks that carry the most.

During human evolution, he ultimately created and the various diseases that make up the structure which has become a disorder, produces a fixed ideas. Each one of us, of different sizes, including disorders of the structure are acquired. Nurtures them, man himself, the ideas of hard. And that divisiveness in humans, lead to disorders and diseases of the structure ultimately creates disruptions.

If we say that we are mistaken, this is a physiological event. These are all events in our lives and completely to establish a certain balance that result from the loss of events. The first thing to do before, that are distributed across the cell is to streamline the structure and building stones. Is to balance them. Because the use of energies, energies, reflection, recovery, development is the building block.

What is important in the current adverse mental conditions, fixed ideas, affects the physical body and creates disease. It must not be allowed to.

In our power to extend the aura. Gather information on the basis of human thought, the wider the aura expands. Energies increase.

Advance, ascend, get informed and let alone, or to give healing, body and spirit in harmony with our universe is. Its existence in which we care for the soul, our body also have to show. Energy, nurture him into taking proper breathing. Because the body is the greatest compliment that stage of evolution. Should not hurt him, despise not use it, should love him. To keep him away from any harmful habits. Must show respect to him.

Because our body is the house of our soul.
And spiritual evolution, by the harmony of the soul and the body is.

We are living in Levh-i Mahfuz century.
History, we want everything to be easy to spot in a. We highly value the ease. We want a pill to improve and fix everything. We want to pass our lives and our children’s life painlessly. So, a new diet, trying a new medication or what they actually are looking for a new religion? Without losing courage that we want to work easily and perfectly.
If you want  healing in any area of your life and if you are willing for this work, you will also encounter the miracles.

 We are here with Reiki attunaments and

Levh-i Mahfuz to get you to live this awareness and

  to intoduce you with your essence in the Levh-i Mahfuz century.

Ahmet Kaya 


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